Happy Anniversary

Like many people, as a teen, I spent a lot of time with my friends. We’d watch movies at my house or I’d visit their homes to play games or listen to music.

And of course, I got to know many of my friends parents; I liked most of them and there were a few I admired, but I always felt that I had the best parents.

Other parents were kind, or intelligent, or passionate but it seemed to me that my parents had these qualities in just the right measure. And importantly (from my perspective) they were interested in me and my dreams.

30 years later I still feel that way. When Hailey and I first started talking about a little hotel that adds an aura of magic to a special occasion, they were right there dreaming with us.

This year my parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. And we were so pleased to have them stay at our magical little hotel.

Happy Anniversary to my favourite parents!