Rocks Are Never Grey

The rock work at the front of the Hazelnut Inn received its first coats of paint this week. I am looking forward to seeing these finished!

Broken Column

This toppled column will eventually serve as a pedestal for a bust of the “original” owner of the North Star suite.

Rock Solid
Vertical Concrete

With an application of concrete and a little bit of carving the steel and wire at the front of the Hazelnut Inn has been turned to stone. A little bit of paint and these new rocks will add some nice detail to the front garden.

Transparent Rocks
Wire Rocks

The rock work at the front of the Hazelnut Inn has been wired and is ready for concrete. I am looking forward to seeing these basic shapes fleshed out.

Bull Elephant

Every day more and more of the “elephant wall” gets painted. It looks great from the road but it really shines when you get up close and personal.