Invisible Rocks

The Hazelnut Inn’s front garden includes a little rockwork. At the moment the rocks are all but invisible - we are welding the steel structure that will support the sculpted concrete “rocks.” We should be ready to sculpt the rocks some time next week.

Backer Board

Today we performed some minor surgery on the front wall to facilitate the installation of a gas meter. The attachment points are now very firmly affixed to the wall and we are ready to close it back up in the coming days.

Mellow Yellow

The great yellow wall of Yarrow is coming along nicely. It is amazing the difference the aging glazes can make - the wall is stating to look like it has been around for a very long time. I am looking forward to planting the garden in front of this feature wall!

Let There Be Yellow!

The Hazelnut Inn’s front garden wall received its first blend coat of beautiful bright yellow today. It will need at least one more blend coat before it is ready to receive the first of several glazes to age it down. It is going to make a great background for the verdant green foliage that will fill the front garden.

Welcome to the Hazelnut Inn
Welcome to the Hazelnut Inn

The Hazelnut Inn’s front sign is now finished. Next our painters will finish up the front wall before moving on to the North Star suite’s garden wall. Exciting times!