Door of Steel
Steel Door

Today we plasma cut the steel for the North Star suite’s door. It needs a little grinding before it will be ready to attach and we can sand blast the door. 

Door Details
Door Handles

The first door has been carved and is ready for sandblasting to bring out the grain. We just need to plasma cut a few detail pieces, including the backplate for the door handle. We are really looking forward to seeing the first door finished and in place!

Copper and Patina

Finished up another roof cap for the Copper Crown suite. We are looking forward to lifting these into place soon.

Carving The Inside

The North Star’s door is coming along nicely. It won’t be long now and they will be ready to install.

The North Wind
Roof Cap

The roof caps for the North Star suite at the Hazelnut Inn are all finished and ready for install. We have a few more pieces to tidy up and then it will be time to bring in a crane for a day!