Treasure Island

When I was a child, my mother had a rather extensive collection of books.

But she didn’t always have a library — or even a bookshelf. In fact, as a young woman, she would buy used books and sell them back to the secondhand bookstore once she’d read them. The difficulty however, was that she read so many books she began to lose track of what she had or hadn’t read. She found herself buying books, taking them home; reading the first few pages only to realize she had already read them.

So she started keeping her books and her collection began to grow.

Now, my mother read science fiction and fantasy novels almost exclusively (and does so to this day). And she is such a prolific reader that by the time I was old enough to read the spines on the shelves we had more speculative fiction than any bookstore I’ve ever visited.

My mother taught me the joy, and the value, of reading and her library has left an indelible mark on my life.

Photo by @thecasualceltic

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island
— Walt Disney
A Sign Of Things To Come

Years ago, after we had finished designing our magical little hotel — and while we were preparing to start construction — we spent a little time making some signs identifying our three suites.

Each sign features a scroll with the suite’s name and a unique icon — an anchor for the North Star and a crown for the Copper Crown. The Under Hill’s sign features a heart shaped lock symbolizing both love and commitment.

Let There Be Colour

I’ve always been a voracious reader. Even as a child I would have at least a couple books on the go. I loved science fiction and fantasy in particular — even cutting my way through The Silmarillion.

I also loved many of the classic illustrated stories — Beatrix Potter’s lovely drawings were (and still are) a particular favourite.

The Under Hill Suite was inspired by these early passions. And, as we start finishing the suite’s interior we want even small details, like these plug and switch plates, help to evoke the feeling of stepping into a fantasy world.

Where is the Hazelnut Inn?

The Hazelnut Inn is in the little village of Yarrow. Our tiny town took its name from the hardy perennial that grows prolifically in the area to this day. And, when we began planning our gardens we knew we had to include our namesake flower!

Switching Gears

With the North Star Suite ready for reservations, it’s time to switch gears and get to work on the Under Hill Suite. Today we spent some time, cutting, grinding, and welding the suite’s electrical boxes.

The flower motif will be getting a little colour and then they’ll be ready to install under the hill. 😁