Up In Smoke

The North Star sports a pair of chimneys and the other day we test fitted the larger chimney’s steel cap. I am looking forward to the spring when we can start the brickwork!

Crouching Dragon

The weather has turn brisk here in the Pacific Northwest so we have moved indoors and are working on a few detail pieces. The Copper Crown’s highest peak needs something special and we have and a draconic weather vane seems the natural choice.


You may notice that our dragon pays homage to the famous dragon lantern at Bree - we just couldn’t resist!

First Interior Paint

It is very exciting to be applying the first of the paint to the interior surfaces of the Hazelnut Inn. The warm base colours will be followed by some subtle glazes to make everything pop and enhance the ‘woodwork’. These arched beams and plasterwork will be viewed by guests laying on the king sized bed. The domed ceiling will be more than twenty feet above them and much of this space will be filled by a giant crystal chandelier. Stay tuned for more progress…

tower ceiling base coats.png
Second Star To The Right

The North Star’s weather vane is nearly complete!

Welding the Moon

Some of you may recognize the Imagination Corporation’s ‘ship & moon’ logo; we don’t often get a chance to sign our work, but since the Hazelnut Inn is a personal project, we thought we would take the opportunity.